Showing posts with label Decoding Jesus' Arrest Mathematically: on Good Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decoding Jesus' Arrest Mathematically: on Good Friday. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2024


 Decoding Jesus' Arrest Mathematically: On Good Friday πŸ”‘ πŸ“– ✨ πŸ”“

Today, we're diving deep into scripture, focusing specifically on the profound events of Jesus' arrest on Good Friday. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of this sacred day through mathematical decoding.

Unveiling the Mysteries of Good Friday

Good Friday is a time for Christians worldwide to reflect on the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, events that hold profound significance in Christian theology. As we examine the biblical account of Jesus' arrest, our goal is to uncover the hidden truths within the text.

Mathematical Decoding of Scripture

God's approach involves mathematical decoding techniques derived from "The Game of Jesus: The King James Bible Decoder." By assigning numerical values to words or phrases and utilizing 4th-grade math skills alongside God's time formula, we reveal deeper layers of meaning hidden within the text. In today's exploration, we'll focus on three key verses from the King James Bible of 1769, meticulously dissecting their numerical significance.

Exploring Key Verses

Let's start our journey with Matthew 26:42 (KJB)., where Jesus declares, "Thy Will Be Done." Through mathematical analysis, we'll uncover the profound implications of these words spoken over two millennia ago. Next, we'll examine Matthew 26:45 (KJB), where Jesus foretells his imminent betrayal, and Matthew 26:56 (KJB), which speaks to the fulfillment of prophecy.

Witnessing the Divine Plan

As we unravel the numerical codes embedded within these verses: we gain insight into the divine plan unfolding on Good Friday. Despite the darkness and turmoil surrounding Jesus' arrest, we'll discover evidence of God's sovereign control and divine purpose at work.

Preparing for the Next Phase

While today's blog focuses on Jesus' arrest, we invite you to stay tuned for future installments where we'll delve into his trial and crucifixion. Through God's mathematical decoding process guided by God's wisdom, we aim to reveal and deepen your understanding of scripture and draw you closer to the heart of God.

Join the Conversation

We encourage you to engage with us in this exploration of scripture. Share your insights, questions, and reflections in the comments below. Together, let's journey deeper into the mysteries of Good Friday and discover the profound truths hidden within God's word mathematically.


Thank you for joining us on this journey of mathematical decoding. As we reflect on the events of Good Friday, may we draw closer to the heart of God and gain a deeper understanding of His divine plan. Stay tuned for future blog posts as we continue to explore the depths of scripture together, taught on behalf of the Father, His Son Jesus, and Jesus' Father, the Holy Ghost. Spirit-with-My-IHS-Converter

  “God’s Divine Formula Mathematically Decodes The Holy Ghost and The Holy Spirit with My IHS Converter”